人類が滅んだ先には、仮死状態で保存されたサウンドデータがさながらゾンビの様相で空間を漂い、その対話の相手や再生を担うのはgoogle homeだったりするかもしれない。時空間ごと記録されたサウンドデータをある種の召喚術のソースと捉え、ある部屋で録音した音を増幅し、音像により再生される部屋をひたすら見つめる。眼前に広がる場と音場との間で、我々は束の間の旅に出る。
Room to amplify 2020
2020, Theater Piece, Performance
Multitracksounds, Mixedmedia, Variable size
After the extinction of the human race, sound data stored in a state of suspended animation will drift through space like a zombie, and the person with whom we interact and with whom we play back sounds may be the google home. The sound data recorded in space-time is considered as a source of some kind of summoning technique, and the sounds recorded in a certain room are amplified and reproduced by the sound image of the room. We embark on a brief journey between the field and the sound field that unfolds before our eyes.